Photography in psychology, psychology in photography

the idea of the Feeling of Beauty Method

Dorota Anna Milke

Psychologist, trainer, traveller, youth worker, educator of adults. President of the RAiDO Foundation International Support Center for Youth and Adults. The original method FEELING OF BEAUTY is a novel combination of a psychological session and a photo session.

I got my degree in psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy. Philosophy taught me the respect for diversity. Psychology taught me to ask the question — why? I enjoy listening to people. I travel a lot, but I am not a typical tourist. I definitely avoid popular resorts and tourist attractions. My job allows me to reach places and people that are far from the crowded, tourist regions. It is a fascinating and enriching experience to be there, to get to know the “normal” life and to talk about actual issues, needs and problems. I always travel with a camera. Through my lens, I record views, places, phenomena, moods, and, most importantly, people.  

The process and the emotions experienced by both the photographer and the person who is photographed caught my attention. When I photograph people, I enter into a very close relationship with them. A thread of mutual understanding emerges. I like it when they begin to look boldly into the camera lens, smile, pose naturally. They change! These moments are very precious to me. Being photogenic, our behaviour in front of the lens, stems from self-esteem and the feeling of beauty. The process of being in the centre of attention of the lens, posing, following the directions of the photographer who wants to take the prettiest possible picture — should be a pleasure that allows one to open up and build the feeling of being unique, beautiful, important. Individual photo sessions are fun and pleasure for both parties. For it to be really true, trust is needed, as well as the belief that the individual and their emotions are the most important, and that it is not about a technically perfect picture.

Often we see pictures so modified, retouched, corrected, that it is difficult to recognise the person, and even if we recognise them, the pictures do not reflect their real image. A huge gap is created between the “perfect” retouched image of an individual and their “real” self. We stand in front of a mirror, looking for the perfect image from the photo… This is how self-esteem issues arise. In order to reduce or eliminate them, we try cosmetics, medicines, plastic surgeries. This phenomenon occurs more and more frequently, even among young people — particularly girls.

Photography, with its technical capabilities (photo processing software, filters used to “improve” images, special lighting, huge assortment of makeup products, stylists — artificial ways to correct an image — plays a great role in the emergence of self-esteem issues.  

However, I was surprised to hear from many women that they never had an individual photo session. I was even more surprised when I learned why was that so. There were various answers, but most often they said: it is for models, not for me; I look badly on photos; I will go to a hairdresser first; I will come when I lose weight…

Why so many women refuse to take part in photo sessions and do not want to have pictures taken where they would be the main focus? What, or who, are they afraid of? What are the emotions experienced by individuals being photographed? What is the role of the surrounding environment, of other people present, of the photographer, of the photos themselves? What is the most important for the client and for the photographer? Can the photo sessions and pictures be a tool for psychologists and therapists to work with? Can photos be the only result of the photo session? Maybe, through a friendly and pleasant process of taking pictures, we can build better self-esteem, feel more beautiful, and our self-acceptance increases?  

An American psychologist, A. Maslow, considered self-esteem as one of the “highest-level” items in his hierarchy of human needs. Self-esteem pertains to the need for love and sense of belonging, self-respect, respect for others, and self-fulfillment. Maslow described two different forms of “respect”: the need to be respected by others in the form of recognition, success, and admiration, and the need for self-respect in the form of self-love, confidence, skills, or abilities. According to Maslow, individuals with an unfulfilled need for self-esteem will be driven to seek it. They will not be able to grow and to achieve self-fulfillment. Acceptance of self as an individual who has their advantages and disadvantages definitely affects the ability to accept different people, cultures, phenomena, or religions.

The FEELING OF BEAUTY method is a sequence of workshop activities that provide/expand the participants’ knowledge about themselves and are designed to extract, build, strengthen, and then solidify the process of building proper self-esteem and feeling of beauty.

The theory of formation of self-esteem, feeling of beauty and cultural factors impacting this process, the jewellery workshops, knowledge of colours and body types and how to emphasise the individual beauty, workshops on classical and artistic make-up, basic bodypainting — all have the purpose of gradually preparing the participants to CHANGE the way they think about themselves. Photo sessions at the end of each workshop are for the purpose of solidification, recording, and the opportunity to popularise/visualise the results through publication of the photos at photo exhibitions and in calendars or albums. The photos are accompanied by individual descriptions of the person who is photographed: what does “beauty” mean for them, how do they understand it, when do they feel beautiful. The FEELING OF BEAUTY method emphasises emotions, things that we feel. For us, a real image of a person is important, their naturalness, uniqueness. We do not retouch, correct, or improve photos.

We try to show to the world that everyone deserves to feel beautiful, worthwhile, to be respected and to feel love for self and others. We seek the golden mean. Makeup can emphasise our advantages, correct imperfections, we can present ourselves on a photo in colours that are most favourable to us, we may know how to pose for a portrait or what light is the most advantageous for pictures. We do not try to achieve unrealistic, artificial and technically created “ideals”. We work on self-acceptance and building proper (neither low nor inflated) self-esteem and feeling of beauty.

My motto are the words of a famous photographer Peter Lindberg: “This should be the responsibility of photographers today: to free women, and finally everyone, from the terror of youth and perfection.”


Feeling of beauty project

Poland, Finland, Spain

The FEELING OF BEAUTY project (feelingofbeautyproject.eu) is a Cooperation Project for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices financed by Erasmus + programme. The FEELING OF BEAUTY Project took place in the years 2020/2022 in the partnership of 3 International Organizations:

RAiDO Foundation International Center for Supporting Youth and Adults from Poland (Project Coordinator, www.fundacjaraido.pl). The main goal of the RAiDO is the business of the co-operation of Polish and foreign entities operating in the promotion of tolerance and integration of social, cultural and profesional development.
Nuoriso- ja luontomatkailukeskus Inari Oy from Finland (https://vasatokka.fi/). Youth Center Vasatokka is the northern-most of Finland’s national Youth Centers. Our actions are based on the Finnish youth law.
ASSOCIACIO CULTURAL TABALA from Spain. TABALÀ is Spanish non govermental and non profit cultural organisation that contributes to create long-term links between different persons and organizations.

All organizations work for the benefit of local communities, including people with special needs. In the FEELING OF BEAUTY project, the target group is the parents of people with disabilities, adults with disabilities and the staff of Partner organizations.

The project allowed for the meeting and integration of groups from very distant parts of Europe, for the exchange of experiences, opinions, and for getting to know local, regional and national environments. Through self-therapeutic and photographic activities, participants learned about the culture, customs, languages and living conditions of others.
We started a dialogue on the sense of beauty and how this feeling can be strengthened through ethnic, national and cultural factors. The idea behind the FEELING OF BEAUTY Method is to present reality capturing what is typical for a given culture, region or group of people. The presented portrait photos do not focus on the photographer’s created vision. The presented photo sessions are an attempt to capture the natural beauty of each person, its creation through artistic makeup, to blend in with the surrounding reality of nature, landscape, colors of a given season or cultural events in given communities.

The  Project was held from November 2020 until April 2022. Activities in the  FEELING OF BEAUTY training cycle: 

TC in Poland/Kołatek Warmia nad Mazury Region – spring 2021 

Local TC in Spain  Castello Valencia Region –  Autumn 2021

Local TC in Finland Vasatokka Inari Region –  Winter 2022

International Photo Exhibitions FEELING OF BEAUTY:

March 2022 in Warsaw/Poland, Inari/Finland and Castello/Spain – April 2022.

The trainings in the project were planned in such a way that the knowledge acquired during one of the trainings could be repeated in another in another country among the local community. 


During trainings in Poland, Spain and Finland, we had the opportunity to participate in cultural/regional events, which became an inspiration to create artistic make-up referring to and using elements of local/regional culture. They were:

Kupała Night – the night of the summer solstice.
Kupała Night – a Slavic holiday associated with the summer solstice of the Sun, celebrated during the shortest night of the year, which falls around June 21-22.
The festival of fire, water, sun and moon, fertility, joy and love, commonly celebrated in areas inhabited by Slavic peoples, but also in a similar nature in areas inhabited by the Baltic, Germanic and Celtic peoples, as well as by some Finno-Ugric peoples, e.g. Finns (in Finland it is one of the most important holidays in the calendar). In Poland, young women prepare flower wreaths on their heads and throw them on the water, believing that they will be found by young men who will later become their husbands.

Moros y Cristianos is typical valencian festivitie is celebrated specially on the South of Valencia and North of Alicante region. This festivity is about remembering the invasion of Christian armies to Spain, when they reconquered Spain that was occupied by Muslims at that moment. Is a festivity that celebrates the multiethnic history of Spain, they make some parades with amazing dresses, nice music, dances, and so on. These festivities usually lasted between 4 and 9 days and they recreated the battles with fake weapons and swords and so on. Valencian people live this tradition passionatily with lots of energy and and warmed by friends and family.

Fallas is a festivity celebrated in the valencia region where they make some beautiful monuments that have social critics and put them on the street during 5 days after that they burn them. Fallas festivities lasts 5 days and evolves music, dresses, flowers, monuments, parties, and much much more, is a complete experience everybody should experience at least once in their lifetime.

Finland/Northern Lapland – coexistence of two Finnish and Sámi cultures, January – the end of Kaamos, the polar night period, and the first sunrises on the horizon

Nowadays we can take good-quality photos even with smartphone cameras, and almost everyone has a smartphone. When taking a portrait photo of a person, there are couple of things to be taken in to consideration.
Framing – if you take a close portrait photo, make sure that you don’t cut part of the head out from the photo. If you take full body photo, make sure you don’t cut the feet off. You can change the amtosphere of the photo by changing the position of the person in relation to the background. You can turn your camera horizontally (landscape) or vertically (portrait) to make different framing.
Light – there is THE possibility to adjust THE atmosPhere with the help of light – direct sunlight and soft non-direct lightness give a completely different vibe. There are differences between lights, e.g. natural light vs. artificial light.

Elements of old, no longer used, which were brought by participants from Poland, Spain and Finland, were used to create new, color-matching jewelery for a given person. It is important to give new life, to use creatively what has lost its power, our interest. It can be given a new dimension, meaning, power. You can take pleasure in creating something individual for yourself or our loved ones, something that will suit us, decorate, distinguish ourselves, give us positive energy. For example, reindeer horns (which they shed themselves each season) are now elements of individually prepared jewelry in Poland and Spain. The results of the jewelery eco-recycling workshops can be admired in the portraits of the project participants.

Poland – a country located in the very center of Europe, between the cultures of the East and the West. The country of forests and vast meadows and fields. Poland is homogeneous in terms of language, nation, culture and religion. Beauty in Poland is diverse and changeable. 4 different seasons result in natural and landscape diversification. We follow the changes. This is also how it is in the sense and perception of beauty. We are ready for changes, we observe and follow.
Polish Women are beautiful, strong and wise. They are curious about the world and what is new about life and the habits of others. However, it is difficult for them to talk about their beauty. Polish women are interested in the opinions of others about them, they crave approval, they are happy when they are complimented. They need support to feel beautiful.

Finland/Northern Lapland – the northern areas of Europe, 300 km above the Arctic Circle. The land of natural silence, a vast landscape of fells, lakes and forests. There are huge contrasts between the seasons, like polar night and auroras in the winter, midnight sun season in the summer. The indigenous Sámi people and the Finns have lived in the area for years. There are differences between the history, cultures, and languages, in fact, there are three different Sámi languages in North Lapland. Finnish/Nothern Lapland Women are quiet and peaceful outside and inside. They don’t feel the need to change, they are just themselves and they feel good about it. Beauty is more of the cultivation of inner naturalness and individuality.

Spain/Catalonia – South-west part of Europe, with historical Moorish influences/Africa. The land of the sun, scorched earth with olive groves and orange orchards. The land of expression, fiestas, carnival, evening meetings over wine, loud conversations and laughter. Catalonia – independent for centuries, with its own language and traditions. Beauty is strength, expression, emotions. Numerous fiestas and historical events cultivate the tradition of colorful parades, where it is important to show off in unusual, traditional costumes, hairstyles and make-up. Everything is strong, colorful, for show. The music is loud, the laughter is contagious and the feasts are plentiful. Spanish/Catalan Women believe in their beauty, they are strong with their inner strength, tradition and love of colorful life.


Feeling of beauty – PROŠEAKTA

Polska, Suopma, Spánska

EELING OF BEAUTY (Čábbodaga dovdan) (www.feelingofbeautyproject.eu) lea ovttasbargoprošeakta innovašuvnnaid ja buriid geavadiid lonuhallama várás. Dat ollašuhttui 2020-22 golmma organisašuvnna ovttasbargun:

RAiDO Foundation International Center for Supporting Youth and Adults Polskkas (koordináhtor) www.fundacjaraido.pl. RAiDO –foandda váldoulbmilin lea polskalaččaid ja olgoriikkalaš oassebeliid ovttasbargu gierdilvuođa ovddideami sihke sosiála, kultuvrralaš ja ámmátlaš ovdáneami ovttastahttima várás.
Nuoraidguovddáš Vasatokka (Nuoriso- ja luontomatkailukeskus Vasatokka), Suopma (www.vasatokka.fi). Nuoraidguovddáš Vasatokka (Nuoriso- ja luontomatkailukeskus Vasatokka) lea davimus Suoma riikaviidosaš nuoraidguovddážiin. Doaibma vuođđuduvvá Suoma nuoraidláhkii (Nuorisolaki 1285/2016).
ASSOCIACIO CULTURAL TABALÀ, Spánska. TABALÀ lea spánskalaš vuoittu háhpohalakeahtes álbmot- ja kulturorganisašuvdna, mii ovddida guhkesáigge oktavuođaid huksema sierra olbmuid ja organisašuvnnaid gaskii.
Buot organisašuvnnat doibmet báikkálaš servošiid buorrin, maidda gullet maiddái joavkkut, geain leat sierradárbbut. Fidnu čuozáhatjoavkun leat lámis olbmuid váhnemat, rávesolbmot geain lea mii nu váttuid, ja verddeorganisašuvnnaid bargit.
Fidnu dagai vejolažžan joavkkuid oktii buktima iešguđege guovlluin Eurohpá, lonohallat vásáhusaid ja oainnuid sihke oahpásmuvvat báikkálaš, guvllolaš ja našuvnnalaš birrasii. Iešterapevttalaš ja fotogovvalaš doaimmaid vehkiin oassálastit ohppe nuppit nuppiid kultuvrras, dábiin, gielain ja eallindiliin.

Mii álggaheimmet ságastallama čábbodaga dovddus ja das, mo dovddu sáhttá nannet etnihkalaš ja kultuvrralaš dahkkiid bokte. FEELING OF BEAUTY – metoda jurddan lea fáŋget govvii čájehanláhkái, mii lea mihtilmas dihto kultuvrii, guvlui dahje olmmošjovkui. Ovdabukton portreahtat eai vuojo govvejeaddji duddjon višuvdnii. Ovdanbukton govvasešuvnnat leat figgamuš fáhtet govvii juohke olbmo lunddolaš čábbodaga, dan duddjoma dáiddalaš smiŋkkaiguin, suddaluvvat birastahtti lundui, duovdagii, dihto jagiáiggi ivnniide dahje kulturdáhpáhusaide dihto servošiin.
Prošeakta ollašuvai skábmamánus 2022 geassemánu 2022 rádjai. Skuvlenbirrajođu doaimmat:
Skuvle Polskka, Kołatek Warmia nad Matzuria – geassi 2021.
Skuvle Spánska, Castellossa, Valencia – čakča 2021.
Skuvle Suopma, Nuoraidguovddáš Vasatokka, Anár – dálvi 2022.
FEELING OF BEAUTY čuovgagovvačájálmasat: cuoŋománnu 2022. Varsova/ Polskka, Anár/Suoma, Castello/Spánska
– miessemánnu 2022.

Fidnu skuvlemiid plánejedje nu, ahte ovtta skuvlema áigge skáhppojuvvon dieđu sáhtte geardduhit nuppi skuvlemis, nuppi riikkas báikkálaš oassálastiid gaskka.

FEELING OF BEAUTY metoda lea ráidu bargobájiin, mat addet oassálastiide vejolašvuođa viiddidit dieđu iežas birra. Bargobájiid dárkkuhus lea ovdanbuktit, hukset ja nannet iešdovddu ja čábbodaga dovddu konstrueren- dahjege huksenproseassa.
Sáhttetgo govven ja govat leat bargoreaidu psykologaide ja terapevttaide? Sáhttetgo govat leat govvensešuvnna áidna boađus? Soaitágo leat nu, ahte ustitlaš ja somás govvenproseassa dihtii mii hukset buoret iešdovddu, oažžut lasi iešdovdámuša, dovdat iežamet čábbásabbon ja dovdat eambo iešdohkkeheami?

Teoriija iešdovddu hápmašuvvamis, čábbodaga dovdu ja kultuvrralaš dahkkiid váikkuhus prosessii, čikŋabargobájit, diehtu čábbodaga tiippain, bargobájit dábálaš ja dáiddalaš smiŋkkas, gorutmálema vuođustusat, leat plánejuvvon nu, ahte dat ráhkkanahttet oassálastiid vehážiid mielde RIEVDAMII mo sii jurddašit iežaset birra. Govvensešuvnnat, mat loahpahit juohke bargobáji, leat dárkkuhuvvon bohtosiid nannemii, vurkemii ja vejolaš lebbemii govaid almmustahttima hámis.
Govvačájáhusain, kaleandariin ja álbumas almmustahtton govaide laktása govvádus das, maid čábbodat mearkkaša iešguđege olbmui. FEELING OF BEAUTY – metodas mii deattuhit dovdduid ja iežamet dovdámušaid. Midjiide dehálaš lea olbmo duođalaš luondu, lunddolašvuohta ja originálavuohta. Govaid eai redigere, divot dahje buorit. Mii geahččalit čájehit máilbmái, ahte juohkehaš ánssáša dovdat iežas čáppisin, árvvus adnon, ja ánssáša gudnejahttima ja ráhkisvuođa alddis ja earáin. Mii ohcat govttolašvuođa.
Smiŋka sáhttá deattuhit min árvvuid, divvut eahpedievaslašvuođaid, mii sáhtit leat govain midjiide heivvolaš ivnniiguin, máhttit leat mállen portreahtain dahje diehtit makkár čuovga lea govvemis buoremus. Mii eat fikka eahpeduođalaš, goanstadahkkon ja teknihkalaččat ráhkaduvvon ovdagovaide. Mii geahččalit dohkkehit iežamet ja hukset rivttes iešdovddu ja čábbodaga dovddu.

Psykologa A. Maslow logahalai iešdovddu olbmuid dárbohierarkiijai oktan deháleamos dárbbuin. Iešdovdu čujuha dárbui ráhkisvuođa ja gullama dovddus, iežas ja earáid gudnejahttimii ja iešollašuhttimii. Son govvidii guokte sierralágan gudnejahttima hámi: gudnejahttima, man oažžu earáin, dovddastusa, menestumi ja árvvusatnima hámis sihke iešgudnejahttima iešráhkisvuođa, -luohttámuša, dáidduid dahje attáldagaid hámis.
Jus iešdovdámuša dárbbuide ii vástiduvvo, oktagasat gártet ohcat vástádusaid dárbbuide. Sii eai nagot šaddat ja ollašuhttit iežaset olmmožin. Iežas dohkkeheapmi olmmožin buriid ja fuones beliiguin váikkuha dáidui dohkkehit eará olbmuid, kultuvrraid, ihtagiid dahje oskkoldagaid.

FEELING OF BEAUTY – metoda čoavddacealkkan leat govvejeaddji Peter Lindberg sánit: „Dálá áigge govvejeaddjiid geatnegasvuohta galggašii leat beastit nissonolbmuid ja loahpas oppalaččat buot nuorravuođa ja dievaslašvuođa hirpmain.”
FEELING OF BEAUTY bargobájit sisttisdollet:

Lea dehálaš, ahte juohkehaš diehtá iežas birra nu olu, go vejolaš. Dát hukse vuođu iešluohttámuššii, dovdui, ahte mii dahkat válljejumiid, mat heivejit min persovdnii. Feeling of Beauty –metodas vuosttaš bargobádji lea Ivdneanalysa. Dihto ivnnit ja suoivvat heivejit midjiide, ja sáhttet deattuhit min lunddolašvuođa ja čábbodaga. Ivdnedieđu vuođul oassálastit dahke ođđa čiŋaid ja dáiddalaš smiŋkemiid, main ledje sidjiide heivvolaš ivnnit.

Vuođđodiehtu smiŋkkaid birra:
Máŋggaide nissonolbmuide smiŋkkas lea šaddan vealtameahttun beaivvi doaibma/elemeanta. Leago smiŋkkas ain min čábbodaga deattuheami/riggudahttima rolla vai leago das šaddan vealtameahttunvuohta, man haga mii eat sáhte govahallat beaivválaš doaimmaid?
Smiŋka sáhttá veahkehit min dovdat leahkima buorebun ja deattuhit min čábbodatárvvuid. Smiŋkenbargobájis háliideimmet gaskkustit vuođđodieđuid das, geat mii leat, man hápmásaš min ámadeadju lea, maid ja mo deattuhit ja maid garvit.
Ovála, guhkki, jorbat, njealjehas, diamánta ja váibmu.

Beaivválaš smiŋka: dát smiŋka lunddolaččat deattuha min nanusvuođaid ja gokčá dan, masa mii liikot uhcit. Dat galgá vuođđuduvvat dihtui min ámadeadjotiippas ja midjiide buoremusat heivvolaš ivdnemáilmmis.
Čikŋasmiŋka: Mii sáhttit stoahkat goargat ivnniiguin, juoba ovttastahttit daid gárvui. Dábálaččat čikŋasmiŋka lea garrasut, movttalut jna. go árgasmiŋka, ja muhtumin sáhttit lasihit čuovgi čiŋaid dahjege glitteriid dahje bearraliid.
-Ámadeadjomálemis sáhttá ráhkadit govahallon figuvrraid dahje teáhtersmiŋkemiid nu, ahte atnit ávkin ivnniid, ámadeadjomálaid ja eará spesiálaelemeanttaid.

Polskkas, Spánskkas ja Suomas mis lei vejolašvuohta oassálastit kultur-/guvllolaš dáhpáhusaide, main fidniimet inspirašuvnna dáiddalaš teáhtersmiŋkemiid ráhkadeapmái nu, ahte čujuheimmet ja geavaheimmet báikkálaš/guvllolaš kultuvrra elemeanttaid. Dáhpáhusat ledje:

Polskka – NOC Kupały – Geassebeaivvi jorggáldat
Slávalaš gaskageasi feasta, mii ávvuduvvo jagi oaneheamos ija áigge. Dola, čázi, beaivváža ja mánu, šattolašvuođa, ilu ja ráhkisvuođa feasta, mii ávvuduvvo dábálaččat slávalaš álbmogiid ássanguovlluin, sihke báltalaš, germánaid ja keltihkalaš álbmogiid ja muhtun suoma-ugralaš álbmogiid ássanguovlluin.
Suomas dat lea jonssot. Polskkas nuorra nissonolbmot ráhkadit rássebotnosiid ja šlivgejit daid čáhcái go jáhkket, ahte boahtti isit gávdná botnosa.

Spánska/Katalonia – Moros y Cristianos ja Fallas
Moros y Cristianos (maurit ja kristtalaččat/Moors and Christians) lea valencialaš feasta, mii ávvuduvvo Valencia ja Alicante guovlluin etnihkalaš historjjá gudnin. Ávvudeamis muittašit kristtalaš soahteveagaid falleheami Spánskii ja Spánskka váldima ruovttoluotta muslimaid okkupašuvnnas dahjege hálddus doallamis. Ávvudeapmái gullet parádat, fiinna čuvllat, musihkka, dánsun jna. Ávvudeamit bistet 4-9 beaivvi ja dain čájáhallet historjjálaš dáistalemiid. Valencialaččat oassálastet movtta dán árbevirrui oppa bearrašiin.

Fallas-feastta ávvudit Valencias, gos ráhkadit gáhtaid ala čáppa servodatkritihkalaš muitomearkkaid viđa beaivái, man maŋŋá dat boldojuvvojit. Ávvudeamit bistet 5 beaivvi ja sisttisdollet musihka, čuvllaid, rásiid, muitomearkkaid je. Feasta lea ”oktii eallimis” –vásáhus.

Suopma/Davvi Lappi – Suopmelaš ja sápmelaš kultuvrra bálddalaseallin. Ođđajagimánus gaskadálvvi skábma nohká ja beaivváš badjána vuot horisontta bajábeallai.

Dálá áigge mii sáhttit váldit alladását govaid fiehttotelefovnna kámeraiguin, ja measta buohkain lea fiehttetelefovdna. Go válddát portreahta olbmos, gánniha moadde ášši váldit vuhtii.
Ásahallan – jus válddát portreahta lahka, sihkkarastte ahte it čuohpa oasi oaivvis eret govas. Jus válddát ollesgorutgova, fuomáš ahte it čuohpa julggiid eret govas. Sáhtát rievdadit gova mielladili nu, ahte lonuhat olbmo sajádaga duogáža ektui. Sáhtát jorgalit kámera láskut (duovdda) dahje ceaggut (portreahtta) vai sáhtát dahkat iešguđetlágan ásahallamiid.
Čuovga – mielladili lea vejolaš hábmet čuovggain – njuolggo beaivváščuovga ja litna eahpenjuolggo čuovga addet áibba nuppelágan mielladili. Čuovggain leat earut, dego luonddučuovga vs. dahkučuovga.

Oassálastiid atnučiŋain, geavatkeahtes čiŋain duddjojedje ođđa čiŋaid nu, ahte atne ávkin heivvolaš ivnniid. Lea dehálaš addit ođđa eallima, mearkkašumi, fámu ja atnit hutkáiláhkái maid nu, mii lea massán dan fámu ja beroštahttivuođa. Sáhtát návddašit das, ahte hutkkat maid nu persovnnalaš ja alccet dahje lagašolbmuide heivvolaš diŋgga, mii čiŋaha ja addá positiivvalaš energiija. Mii geavaheimmet ovdamearkka dihte bohccočorvviid čiŋaid duddjomis. Ođđasitatninbargobájiid dujiid sáhttá čáppášit prošektii oassálastiid portreahtain.

Polska – riika, mii lea Eurohpá guovdu, nuortti ja oarjji kultuvrraid gaskkas. Mehciid, viiddis gittiid ja bealdduid riika. Polska lea homogenalaš giela, álbmoga, kultuvrra ja oskkoldaga hárrái.
Polskkas čábbodat lea máŋggabealat ja molsašuddi. Njeallje sierra jagiáigge addet máŋggabealatvuođa lundui ja duovdagii. Mii čuovvut molsašumiid. Seammá gusto maiddái čábbodaga mearkkašupmái ja áddejupmái. Mii leat gárvát nuppástusaide, mii dárkut ja čuovvut.
Polskka nissonat leat čábbát, nannosat ja viisát. Sii leat sáhkii máilmmi hárrái ja das, mii lea ođđa eallimis ja nuppiid dábiin. Sidjiide lea goittotge váttis hállat iežaset čábbodaga birra.
Polskalaš nissonolbmot leat beroštuvvan nuppiid oainnuin, sii áibbašit dohkkeheami, sii leat movtta rámiid ožžodettiin. Sii dárbbašit doarjaga, vai dovdet iežaset čáppisin.

Suopma/Davvi Lappi – 300 km poláragierddu bajábealde leat Eurohpá davimus guovllut. Guovllu mihtilmas sárgosat leat luondduráffi, viiddis duottarduovdagat, jávrrit ja meahcit. Jagiáiggiid gaskkas leat stuorra erohusat: skábma ja guovssahasat dálvet, ijahis idja geasset. Davvi-Lappis, Sámis ásset sápmelaččat ja suopmelaččat. Historjjá, kultuvrraid ja gielaid gaskka leat erohusat, nuba leat leamen golbma sierra sámegielage.
Davvi-Lappi nissonolbmot leat jaskes ja ráfálaš olbmot olgguldasat ja siskkáldasat. Sii eai dovdda dárbbu rievdat, sii leat dušše iežasláganat ja dovdet diliset buorrin. Čábbodat lea buorebutge siskkáldas lunddolašvuođa ja oktagaslašvuođa oktiibidju.

Spánska/Katalonia – historjjálaš mauri-váikkuhusaid Afrihkás ožžon Eurohpá máttaoarjeoassi. Beaivváža riika, man beaivváža goardin eatnamis šaddet oliivvagárddit ja appelsingárddit. Riikii leat mihtilmasat ovdanbuktin, feasttat, karneválat, eahketdeaivvadeamit viinni guoras, rieddjis ságastallamat ja čaibman. Katalonia lea leamaš iehčanas čuđiidjagiid, das lea iežas giella ja árbevierut.
Čábbodat lea fápmu, ovdanbuktin ja dovddut. Eatnat feasttat ja historjjálaš dáhpáhusat várjalit ivdnás parádaid árbevieru, main lea dehálaš geavahit árgabeaivvis spiehkkaseaddji árbevirolaš gárvvuid, vuoktačohkosiid ja smiŋkkaid. Buot dat leat gievra, ivdnái, čájeheaddji ja jitnii.
Spánskalaš/katalonialaš nissonolbmot jáhkket iežaset čábbodahkii. Sii ožžot fámu siskkáldas nanusvuođas, árbevieruin ja ráhkisvuođas ivdnás eallimii.

The Women Say

The phototherapy session with Anna was for me a self-reflection from a new perspective. During the whole session, I felt like I am taking a deep breath, than letting all out. Phototherapy sessions changed my point of view towards people and gained my self-confidence. Reca from Greece

For me it was fun and pleasure and it was an occasion to talk about myself and to see what’s inside of me. I felt happiness cause I was in a beautiful place and it was like discovering something new in me and i have to keep feeling beautiful. Avatef from Tunizia